Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fun Fondue

For my Mom's birthday, she picked The Melting Pot in Bellevue for dinner, and it was sooo delicious and fun! Since Nick was at Scout Camp and Andrea & Laura are gone, it was just the 5 of us. First, we had to choose which cheese fondues to get. Everyone decided on the Carribbean fondue and the Fiesta fondue. The waitress came and added all the ingredients at the table, turned on the burners and let the magic happen. For dipping, we got veggies, apple chunks, breads and chips.
This is the Carribbean one. I wasn't that interested in this part of the meal at first since cheese isn't my thing, but thankfully, Alex talked me into tasting them. The Mexican one wasn't for me, but I actually really liked the Carribbean one.

Just for proof, I had Alex take a photo of me eating the cheese. Next was the main course. We had a pot with broth and another pot with oil for frying. Bobby and Alex had a bit too much fun with the batters and frying all the food! I wish I had a picture. The fried salmon was interesting. Also cooked were chicken, sirloin, shrimp, cajun flavored beef and veggies.

Here are my parents with all the desserts. We got 2 chocolate fondues that were delectable, one with milk chocolate & peanut butter, the other dark chocolate with Oreo's and marshmallow cream. For dipping, we had rice krispie treats, cheesecake, pound cake, brownies, strawberries, bananas & marshmallows. It was way too good, I need to go back and try more....
Overall, we loved it. Although it is quite pricey, it's more than just a dinner since it takes over 2 hours and it is so much fun! Next time I want to try the caramel banana fondue....


Heather said...

I am not a cheese person either, but everyone says to go to the Melting Pot anyway.

The Devers said...

yummy!! looks like you guys had so much fun over break! we want to get together soon. miss you!

Danielle said...

We went there for my sister's birthday a couple years back and it was lots of fun. I can't remember what we had but it was all good. :) Are you back in SF now?

The Scholer Family said...

I'll admit I've been staying away from your blog since that last post. I wouldn't cut it in the ER. I'd pass out in a second. Now back to the "life is great" posts and enough of the "look at the inside of this guy's head" posts. :)