Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dry feet....Help!

I've decided to bring this up because I'm open to any solutions. My feet are so dry (this is not a new thing), especially on my heels and the outside of my big toes. I put lotion on them twice a day and occasionally sand them down with a file. It drives Alex crazy, and it bugs me quite a bit as well. My mom has dry feet, along with my brother, so I think it's genetic (I do have dry skin in general). I want to be able to wear flip-flops without having to wonder if the skin is cracking or peeling. Gross, I know, but what can I do? Pedicures only last so long... any ideas?


Danielle said...

Since I am stalling and not working, I looked it up. Apparently it's a sign of a vitamin deficiency such as vitamin E, calcium, zinc and/or omega 3s. It recommends eating foods rich in the above. Who knows. I would suggest applying something thick like aquafor to your feet at night and then sleeping with socks on. The socks will keep the feet moist so the lotion won't rub off. Aquafor is kind of like a non-greasy form of vaseline. I also really like Aveda's foot rub. It smells so good.

jessica said...

John has the same issues...although he doesn't care enough to do anything about it. So, I'm glad you're trying. I talked to a pharmicist about it for John and they said that you have to moisturize and pumice regularly. I guess you have to pumice to keep the dry skin gone. They recommended a lotion I don't remember the name of(on the package it has 'as seen on tv'), but I've heard some people swear by a foot moisturizer at bed bath and beyond (I'm sure if you asked someone there they would know what you were talking about). Good luck! And if you find anything that works wonders, please let me know so that I can force John to use it!

Connie and Joe said...

You seriously need to get a Pedegg AS SEEN ON TV. You an get them at like walgreens or wal-mart and they are kinda like a veggie grater and take any callous off the heels and then have a little sander thing to finish it nice and smooth. They are great. Connie Sandoval