Sunday, October 28, 2007

Single Woman

Well I am a single woman until Tuesday, or at least I feel like one. Alex left yesterday to Nashville for a dental conference-it is so quiet with him gone! Since I am usually the one leaving, I guess I finally get to see how it feels. Now I know more why he gets sad when I go.
Anyway, the other day I finished reading this book, The Tipping Point....

I liked it a lot; it is interesting to me how certain things in society and our lives become huge deals due to unsuspecting effects from other things. This author has a new book out, Blink, that I want to read sometime, too.
I am very tired right now so sorry this post is somewhat scattered. I babysat until 3:30 this morning, and still managed to make it to church today. Wow, I was quite proud of myself. But now I am beat and should go to bed, but I don't want to yet. Oh and congrats to the Red Sox.

1 comment:

jessica said...

Sorry you're home alone. I always think I'll hate being home alone but then I always enjoy the quiet time and seem to get a lot of random things hopefully you'll enjoy your time!