Monday, September 17, 2007

Day of Rest

After a fun whirlwind weekend of nannying, Alex and I relished our Sunday of rest. I took a little nap after church and Alex made a delicious dinner of salmon with bacon, caramelized onions, green beans & potatoes and cornbread. We forgot to take a photo, however:( Then, I spent time reading my newspaper and trying to get organized for our big trip (5 days to go!). Later that evening, us, the McDonough's & Rogers' played Phase 10 over at the Black's and ended up getting a little crazy with the camera.....Michelle had us play her "game" shake face where you let your skin on your face loose and shake your head.
Becca made this delicious German pancake; you can add lemon juice & powdered sugar or syrup. Or both if you are Alex (yep he buzzed his head, that's him on the left).

Here's Brian jumping on his couch acting giddy. We had a silly night, lots of fun:)

1 comment:

Blacks said...

Haha those are funny pictures :)