Sunday, August 26, 2007

Salsa Party

This past Saturday was rare for us, in that we actually spent most of the day doing fun things together! First, Alex and I went for a walk and ended up at a BMW dealership. One day we would like to get one, so we test drove a car there. It was definitely neat, maybe in a few years we can talk ourselves into buying one; we'll see. Later that evening, after some studying, the 2nd years had a big salsa/potluck in our apartments. The food was delicious, and there were some very unique salsas to try, too! It was great to see so many of Alex's classmates and some wives, too:) Everyone is really nice, I am grateful for the friends we have made. Here are some pics from the night....

These cupcakes looked so pretty, I want to make some like that now. And they look so simple!

Some of us wives chatting, and the husbands, too. Except, where's Alex? Oh yes, bouncing around and taking photos, as usual.

Our neighbor, Zach, I think he was finishing up the ice cream cake. It was a favorite!

Later, some friends came up and played/watched Guitar Hero, Alex's latest toy. This is Emerson, he didn't want to stand up to strum, but he was pretty good!

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