Monday, October 11, 2010

First trip to WA

Lizzie and I spent the past 10 days up in good ol' FW. It was a blast! Alex came up for the weekend and we got to enjoy the surprising dry and sunny weather.

Brian and Laura with a bear cub. Oh, sorry, that's Lizzie :) The amount of brown she wears, you'd expect her to pass as a little cubbie.

She's rolling now, at least from her back to tummy, and this is how she ends up in bed occasionally. Her lifeless arms crack me up.

Aunt Andrea reading her a book. I can't say enough how loving my family is with Lizzie. It's such a treat to watch them all interact with her. Andrea sure knows how to pick out cute clothes, too! Yay for bedtime stories!

We took a trip to see Rira and her spankin' new condo. I wish we had more time to hang out!

Laura and Brian with the babe. They got some sweet baby time. One day, she'll have a cousin or two, right??

Most of the Kaler clan, minus Bobby, Uncle Ron, Kelli & Ronny. It was awesome to see everyone and we miss you all!!


Danielle said...

Yah. Whatever. Dis. ;)

Christina said...

It was great seeing you as well! Lizzie is adorable! And, Rira, if you read this- you are drop dead gorgeous!!! Are you a super model now?