Monday, October 25, 2010


It's no secret that I have a *major* sweet tooth. It's borderline impossible for me, for example, to enter a shopping mall without stopping for a goodie bag at Sweet Factory. And, on that note, I get quite diappointed if I go to a mall and there are only those little candy machines in the middle over an actual candy store. Of course, Sweet Factory is ridiculously overpriced, but the fact alone that I can mix and match to my heart's content makes me happy.
So far this year, I've only bought one bag of Halloween candy, and it's almost gone. I knew better, but gave in to Walmart's evil ways. The bag I got had Milk Duds, Heath, Reese's Pieces, Rolo and Kit Kat. According to Alex, I could've done better.
Now with Lizzie around, Trick or Treating keeps popping up in my head. First off, do we take her already? Of course, she can't partake, but babies in costume are too darn cute, especially giraffes :) If we take her to the mall, do we bring a little candy bag, or would that look super greedy??
Anyway, back to candy. I remember as a kid going through my stash with my sibs and organizing the best, average and worst picks that we received. Here's what I remember....

-Reese's pb cups
-Krackel or Crunch
-ANY full-size candy bar (very rare on our blocks)

-Fatter tootsie rolls
-Laffy Taffy
-Now or Later
-Hershey's plain chocolate
-Tootsie pops
-Kit Kat
-Baby Ruth
-Milky Way
-3 Musketeers
-Almond Joy/Mounds

-Jolly Rancher
-Blow Pops
-Dum Dums
-Little Tootsie Rolls
-Pretzels (really, come on now...)
-Bottle Caps
-Sweet Tarts
-any hard candies (peppermints, butterscotch disks, strawberries, etc.)
-Necco Wafers
-Stickers, or any other inedible whatever

Anything I'm missing??


Morgan said...

Halloween is the best holiday. I can't wait for our little one to get here so I can go trick or treating again, so i say take a treat bag!

Danielle said...

I should write a post like this, it's a cute idea. :)
My lists would be similar, although for some reason I thought blow pops were kinda neat - the watermelon ones.
Good & Plenty, Dots, Juju Bees, that sort of thing were my least favorite.

Jessica said...

What about Dubble Bubble? WORST.