Monday, September 14, 2009

Friends and Bolinas

Beth was in town last week! It was great to see her and spend time shopping and eating with her and Richard. One of our favorite places to eat is the Coast Cafe out in Bolinas. This is about 1.25 hrs from Emville, so it was quite a trek. We all were a little woozy by the time we arrived (the motion sickness pills can only do so much) but it's always worth it!

Amazingly enough, we're still smiling after 2.5 months of residency....
*Almost* everything there is phenomonal. The fresh, warm bread is the best we've ever had, along with their famous fish 'n chips. I had my personal favorite, the homemade veggie burger. This is the only time I can devour something with mushrooms.

Of course, their desserts are outstanding as pie and peach cardamom galette this time around! I almost took a photo, but was in too much of a hurry to chow down...sorry :)

The one thing I cannot recommend are their cookies. They are the hardest, most unappetizing things I've ever tasted. I got one on the way out, we tried it, spit it out and tossed it- ever had cardboard before?
Yay for visitors, we miss you guys!!


La Rira said...

mm, that looks super yums!

swimmer4lyfe said...

I miss you too! I wish I could've stayed longer. It was so nice hanging out again.