Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Oh Martha

As many of you know, I love cakes...making them, decorating them, and mostly eating them! I saw this cake on the cover of this month's Martha Stewart magazine at Costco and I bought it (the magazine, that is) thinking the issue would just look nice on the coffee table for Christmas time. Well, this morning while nannying, I saw Martha on Today with this cake once again and I started thinking I should try to make it. Emilie, Joey's mom, was telling me she tries Martha's ideas but they are always hard to accomplish, but I've never even tried one yet. So I am hoping that maybe I can get Alex to "help" me and we can work on this cake at least sometime before Christmas. The funny thing is, I don't like gingerbread that much, but I am drawn to this cake! There is just something about that dang Martha.


Unknown said...

She always tempts with the lovely pictures!

jessica said...

Good luck! Looks stinkin hard but with a ton of time and patience I bet you could do it!

Blacks said...

Ooo pretty. If you make it I want to see the final product!

Danielle said...

That looks like one of those things where I'd see it and go "sure, yah, I can totally do that" and then somewhere in the middle of the project when I'm up to my ears in frosting, I'd think "why did I attempt this?" - let me know how it turns out. :)