Monday, July 23, 2007

Anniversary Sale

Friday morning at 7:10am, I made it to the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. This was the first time I have ever done that as a "normal" customer, and it was fun. The store wasn't too packed yet, but the good sizes were getting picked fast. I just went by myself to Union Square and spent more than I am accustomed to, with the thought of I better get it now but can return it if I don't want it. I even got Alex some shoes so he was included. Thankfully, he liked the stuff I got so I think I'll keep it all; and the buyers remorse is gone.

I think my favorite purchase was the Juicy wallet. I have nothing Juicy and thought it was so cute. Their logo on some of the merch is a Westie dog so I have a small weakness for the brand. I've had my old wallet for 5 years and it is trashed so it was time. But, I couldn't justify the matching purse....maybe one day, but then this wallet will be old by then.


jessica said...

I know I was supposed to be looking at your clothes but I really like the pillows on your bed.

La Rira said...

very cute! i'm jealous. i miss the sale!