Sunday, May 23, 2010


It's been a fun month. The weather has been awesome and we're continuing to enjoy our last month and a half or so before Lizzie arrives.
Rira came to visit! She got to be the first one to sleep in our updated guest room that is being transformed for baby. It was a great weekend. We took her to Fenton's and got the Black & Tan for dessert- a definite favorite!

We also did some shopping at CB2 and West Elm and saw Iron Man 2. And I couldn't let Rira leave without a trip to Yogurtland!
The one in San Ramon is my favorite and it never disappoints :)

Alex has been taking tons of photos and trying out portrait shots. He practiced some action pics at the church softball game.
We're getting the baby/guest room ready. Got the crib, bedding and her name on the wall. Still deciding on a decal of some sort (I'm thinking a tree, perhaps...?). Here's a sneak peek:
And, yes, that is definitely her name! After the time it took to make these letters, it is not changing. Promise.

I'm still doing the cooking/baking blog (that sucks my time away from this blog!) and it's been fun. Thank goodness for Alex's photog hobby or my pics would be a mess. Our friend Luanne taught me how to make homemade bread and it was deeeelicious! It'll make it on the blog eventually :)

Oh, yes! I'll be 33 weeks on Tuesday. Things are going fine, we're still growing and Lizzie's been letting me know she's alive with her little pokes and jabs. My ankles occasionally get swollen at night and sleeping is always an adventure in itself, but so far I've been functioning as usual. If she decides to show up a week or two early, I really won't mind- we're excited to meet her! Here is what I look like as of today:

That's my summary for now. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things since that seems to be a much too frequent habit of mine as of late....


Tyson and Courtney said...

I love the name Lizzie, your letters turned out so cute, and you look absolutely adorable!

Tara said...

Cute name and letters. And you look tiny!!!

Blacks said...

You make one cute prego!!! You're so close to meeting your baby girl! Yay! Good luck in the last couple of weeks!

Sooo Cute Bows said...

OH my gosh so crazy to see you pregnant. You are such a cute little pregnant mom!! I love the name lizzie and your letters are so so cute. I will have to send you some headbands and some bows. I have to come visit I miss you!!!

Paul and Eryn said...

You are so cute! I love your pregnant belly :)

Bella's Bowtique said...

Congrats on your pregnancy...or I guess probably baby now...can't wait to see pictures. :) I went to school with you growing up, however, you probably wouldn't remember me.
