Saturday, December 6, 2008

To my defense

In my defense though to my last post, I believe that Kim is improperly scarf-clad. It looks great though Kim. It wouldn't fly in Europe. Why won't you join Facebook?


Danielle said...

Haven't you heard about Kim's high school stalker? She is afraid to be found anywhere semi-public on the web. Maybe we could get her to join under an assumed name.

Unknown said...

Ahem. The Harry Potter scarf does not abide by the Muggle-bound fancy-shmancy cashmere scarf rules and must be wrapped in it's own special way.

And, yes, Danielle is right, the stalker still freaks me out. Plus, I'd have students trying to friend me and that freaks me out too. ;)

Unknown said...

ARGH! "its" not "it's"

I can't believe I did that. I *just* taught a lesson on that!

Danielle said...

I can understand the high school weirdness. Still - I vote for an assumed name, that way you could have all the benefits but be off the radar.