Thursday, December 4, 2008

Here You Go, Laura

Courtney tagged me quite a while ago, and I've just been super lazy on the blog posts. We actually have some good photos and such to share, so hopefully, I'll be motivated soon to add them:) In the meantime, read on...

Eight TV Shows I Love to Watch (in no particular order)

1. How I Met Your Mother
2. The Office
3. Big Bang Theory- Sheldon is hysterical
4. Gossip Girl!
5. Grey’s Anatomy
6. The Hills, although I'm getting bored
7. The Amazing Race
8. Food Network, except Iron Chef

Eight Things That Happened Yesterday

1. Work
2. Acupuncture
3. Dinner at Whole Foods
4. Picked Alex up at airport
5. Cleaned
6. Bought Britney cd & book Outliers
7. Crossword
8. Listened to a lady out the window playing guitar & singing at 11:30pm while we tried to sleep. Then Alex yelled at her and I don't know what happened next- I was out.

Eight Favorite Places to Eat

1. Whole Foods
2. Red Robin
3. Claim Jumper
4. Fog City Diner
5. Zuppa with the fam
6. Rose's Cafe for brunch
7. Jungle Jim's back in Orlando
8. Elephant Bar

Eight Things I'm Looking Forward To

1. Going to WA in 2 weeks for Christmas!!
2. Alex being done with interviews
3. Match Day for Alex- January 26
4. Printing out all our photos and one day scrapbooking them
5. Moving June (and Alex graduating, too:)
6. A Christmas Carol on Sat.
7. Gingerbread houses in Seattle
8. Getting my hair done

Eight Things on My Wish List

1. Sharp Kitchen Knives (me too, Courtney!)
2. New couches
3. Another Disney Cruise, preferrably the 7 day one
4. Kids
5. The camera I wish Alex could have
6. Cute boots
7. A BMW X3
8. To be out of this recession

I tag Rira, Danielle, Christina...


Danielle said...

I did it awhile ago, you can go search for it.
Did you know you have to pay to see the gingerbread houses this year? Totally sucks. My family took pictures through the window. :)
You don't like Iron Chef? I am always intrigued - the weirder the better.
You should check out The Mentalist on NBC - Simon Baker is worth the watch.

Unknown said...

thanks for the blog... now u just need to put pictures..ha