Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Want This

It's a mini-bread machine! I've always been facinated/intimidated by bread machines, along with just making bread in general. Alex and I have tried quite a few times to make bread and I can remember just one time it being really successful. All the other times we seem to have problems with the yeast and getting the dough to rise or cook and not be super dense.
Anyway, I thought this little bread machine is super cute- can't go wrong with mini machines! If you're interested you can find it here. It's a bit pricy, but I'll keep my eye out for it on sale...
Oh, and any tips on increasing my patience with bread making is welcome. It's worth the effort for homemade bread deliciousness!


Brandon said...

I have a tip for you, use exact measurements only bread is very touchy if it is not exact. By the way how are you two doing? I saw that Alex called the other day I have been busy but I am meaning to call him back, tell him I said hi.

Tyson and Courtney said...

I love my breadmaker! It's a breadman pro, and also has a setting to make dough so anytime I make homemade rolls, I make the dough in the bread machine. Also, if you don't use bread flour, add a tablespoon of vital wheat gluten to help the bread rise nicely!

Melanie and Gary said...

LOL. Shoot, you can borrow my old bread machine in the meantime. I haven't pulled it out in so long. I need to start making some more bread too. We have the wheat grinder, now I need to find a good recipe and start rotating some of our food storage!

Thanks for visiting our blog too! I've been reading yours, and I could SWEAR I commented here before.... Maybe I didn't do something right. (as usual) I'm still learning. HA!

jessica said...

I've been making our bread for almost a year now...I think I'm getting pretty good at it. If you want my recipe (it's wheat bread though. Do you like wheat?) and tips email me. Actually I've been thinking I should post it, so maybe I should just get around to doing that.