Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Weekend of Fun

This past Saturday, Alex and I had a full Saturday filled with fun and adventure. Brian D. called us at 8am while we were still in bed, and we got up and had some delicious breakfast at Rose's Cafe on Union & Steiner. I had scrambled eggs with spinach covered with proscuitto; Alex had french toast with cream & apples that was perfect and Brian had chicken sausage with polenta and marinara that was divine, too. We all had to try each other's-go there, it's great! After that, we browsed Chestnut Street and Alex and Brian ventured into their favorite, a camera store. I rediscovered that street and realized I need to explore those shops a bit more.

Then, we begged not to be brought home, the day was just going so well and it couldn't be over already. So, we headed back to Corte Madera to Brian's and watched The Illusionist. After a bit, we headed back out to all our favorite, Costco and Target; made a good purchase, then on to Berkeley for the first is us on the Cal campus

We found this funny Brazilian eatery; there were actually 2 of them. Of course, we had to get coxinhas and pao de quijo-yum yum! After finally noticing the cuter parts of Berkeley (it took a while), we headed back through Richmond to check out the Disney Store. It was cute, but man, that city is scary!
On our way home, we realized the sunset was way too pretty to pass up. So on to the Marin Hills, or whatever they're called, for a Brian and Alex photoshoot. These photos don't do it justice, they got some great pics and it was gorgeous!

Whenever we're over in Marin, the In-n-Out right off the highway always draws us in. So we got some milkshakes, while Alex ate his 4 x 4 burger. That thing was massive.

Then back to the Devers' for some conversation and comfort. It was a great day and we loved it.

1 comment:

The Scholer Family said...

Cool day. Hey Alex, nice beard. I'm growing one myself!