Sunday, February 17, 2008

What a Day

Well, I guess Friday ended up not being the end of the sickness, but hopefully, yesterday was! Late Friday night, I started feeling sick again, and it lasted all night. I was to the point where I wanted to just stop breathing because it hurt so much. After not sleeping and at the end of my threshold, at 5:30am, I woke Alex up frantic and needing some kind of help. We called the on-call advise nurse, who supported us in going to the ER. Zach C. loaned us his car this weekend, so Alex and I headed out to the CPMC by the dental school. We were the only ones being admitted, which was great. I got hooked up on Morphine and an anti-nausea med and was super tired, but out of my misery. Now I see why people get addicted to that, it worked in like 5 minutes and although I refused to look at the IV in my arm, I was relieved. After telling the doctors/nurses everything, they decided to do a CT Scan. By then, we had some company, a lady who needed a blood transfusion and, thanks to Alex's new medical knowledge, we knew she was close to dying. After all of this, I have so much gratitute for my health and I realize things could be much worse.

But, of course, the CT Scan couldn't be done right away. I had to drink a Liter of "contrast," which I still don't know what it is, but it's gross and looks like pee. The nurse mixed it with apple juice, but it was still horrid. And then, I still had to wait an hour after I drank it. Almost 2 hours later, they got me up to Radiology. Then I had to drink more contrast so it was fresh in my stomach so they could see all the organs. But the really cool guy up there mixed his with Tang, so much better, and he put in a little umbrella! Alex and I loved him. The scan went fine, a little weird, but no pain. Was brought back to my spot and now had 2 new neighbors, a 4 yr old cougher and an odd SF guy who was annoying. About 30 minutes later, the doctor came in and told me all my tests were fine. Seriously? I started crying and was sad. The doctor probably was not used to that, coming in to tell me I was relatively healthy and my reaction being that. The scan doesn't pick up ulcers, however, and they didn't test for h.pylori (still waiting for the other dr. results on that), but I have no obstructions, damage, tumors, etc. So he gave me some super strong Vicodin and another pain med and sent us on our way.

All in all, I am glad I went, no matter how scared I was of the ER and all the trauma. Alex never left my side, come to think of it he never even went to the bathroom, how is that possible? The entire staff was super accomodating and kind. I would definitely recommend that hospital! And so far, I have been feeling better since (it's been 24 hours:). Thanks for all the prayers, caring words and thoughts. I do think now that I am being taught gratitude for the health I have and for all those out there who are able and willing to help others.


Danielle said...

I got a week of vicodin after Nathan was born. Good stuff. :) They let me take Motrin on top of it too which was even better. I was so sad to see that last pill gone. But - true about the addiction possibilities. Be careful, don't want you to go the way of Heath Ledger. Take care!

jessica said...

What a night...and day! Hope you're feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, Heather, I am so sorry! I hope you are feeling better and that the ulcer gets sorted out.

Ang said...

I'm glad you're feeling a little better! What a miserable night! Although, I must agree, that's a pretty good ER - I had to visit it as well and ended up getting my appendix removed :)