Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Luanne tagged me. I love these things. Her questions made me think!

1. What is your favorite part about you? Not needing that much sleep to function. I guess it's been on my mind a bit more than usual these days ;)

2. If you could vacation any where, where would you go? This is a given, and I know oh so redundant, but it is and will always be Disney World. I love it and can never get enough.

3. What does the best meal ever involve? Waffles and peanut butter. But it has to be some brand of natural pb. You know, the kinds that need to be stirred until you feel like your wrist will fall off.

4. Name your favorite sweet. There is no way I can name only one. Yogurtland froyo, pumpkin pie, apple pie, yellow cake with chocolate frosting, peanut butter cookies, yogurt pretzels, chocolate covered gummy bears, shortbread, old fashioned glazed donuts, any See's chocolates. Ok, that's enough.

5. Up to now what is your greatest accomplishment? Definitely our little Lizzie

6. What would be your best day ever? Christmas with both of our families together at a cabin somewhere. Wouldn't that be just awesome....

7. Favorite season and why? Probably Fall. The anticipation is there leading up to the Holidays, the leaves are all so pretty, and the food gets really, really delicious. Hello, pumpkin!

8. What is the best book you've ever read? I don't think I have an all time best, but I immensely enjoyed The Tipping Point and Outliers.

1 comment:

Luanne Hardy said...

Yea for answering my questions! I miss you.