Monday, August 17, 2009

Exploring Emeryville

It’s about time that I show a little about where we’re living now. So, last week I went on a walking tour of Emville and took some photos…..let’s go! P.S.: I tried this post through Windows Live Writer and the photos seem to be off centered...I hope I can get it to work better...


Most people who happen to know anything about Emeryville, either have heard of this…


or this…


Those are our two claims to fame (along with Jamba Juice, Charles Chocolates, Leapfrog and next year, Clif Bar- right across the street!)


I had to include the train, because the trains go by RIGHT outside our window and boy oh boy do we hear it. It also doesn’t help much that we’re close to an intersection so the horns keep it interesting!

DSCN0686 DSCN0694 DSCN0689All 0ver the city are these random designs depicting the crosswalk figure. Apparently, they were all designed by Emeryville students with no real theme other than everyday life.DSCN0688 This is part of the waterfront walkway by the Emeryville Marina. It’s usually quite windy, but great to have a view of SF!DSCN0691

Our main shopping venue. Love the Teacake Bakeshop, movie theater, Elephant Bar, H&M and See’s, of course! DSCN0690

There you go, a brief look at the pretty sides of the city. But, remember, we’re just between Oakland & Berkeley so the adventures are just beginning….don’t forget to say hi if you’re ever nearby!!


swimmer4lyfe said...

Hey Heather! I'm coming to visit in a couple of weeks :)! I'll be in California staying with Richard from the 8th to the 12th, so let me know if you have time, I hope I can hang out with you sometime. (and Alex too when he's not busy being a real doctor ;))

Paul and Eryn said...

Thanks for the tour of Emeryville. We miss you guys out here in Georgia.