Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Under My Umberella...

Considering it's like a perfect 75 or so out today, it's kind of backwards for me to post about this...but it looks like it rained in WA at least! On DailyCandy Seattle, they featured Umbrella Society, a new line of chic umbrellas. They are so so cute, I want one, or two! Back in Jan., my umbrella broke when I was walking home, as the wind turned it inside out and it finally snapped. So far, I've been lucky and it hasn't rained enough since for me to buy a new one. The day will come, I'm sure. Umbrella Society has big and small umbrellas, but they are a bit out of my price range ($32-40; I'm more of a $20 girl), but if you buy 2, shipping is free....and raincoats/rainboots are coming soon....check it out!!

1 comment:

The Devers said...

so cute...i want one!