Friday, March 7, 2008

A Weak One

I am almost embarrassed to even write about this because I think I write about it too much, but guess what, I am sick once again. This time it's the flu, that I know for sure. My sis Andrea was in town for 5 days and left Tuesday. Immediately after I dropped her off at Bart, I got a bad headache and felt so sore. So I got a Jamba Juice and sat on the grass and tried to enjoy the nice weather before heading home. That night the fever came and I have been out of it since. Today is the first day I was able to go out to get some air, it felt good. The worst is over, now I just have to get over the sinus pressure/cough. Please, please let this be the last time-I don't know how else to prevent it, I take Vitamin C every day, carry hand sanitizer with me and I try to get anti-oxidants in my diet....and the funny thing is, neither Alex or Andrea caught it. Where did my immunity go??


Unknown said...

The antibiotics, my friend, the antibiotics -- they get ride of the good and the bad, which makes it easier for the bad to sneak in right after. I'm glad you're feeling better!

Danielle said...

Maybe you should get some of that yogurt with probiotics in it...who knows...

jessica said...

I think some people just get sick easier. Owen is always sick with something, even if no one else in the family is sick.

The Scholer Family said...

It's that time of the year. Also, Alex can't get sick, he's like a machine.