Friday, February 15, 2008


FYI: This post isn't the most uplifting and it's kind of boring....
I have been really bad at the blogging lately, because I have been super sick and can hardly do anything. Which also stinks because we have some cool photos I want to share! Thankfully, I just woke up and this is the time (for 2-3 hours) I actually feel normal. Went to the doctor yesterday and they're pretty sure I have an ulcer, what I expected, and gave me a prescription so I hope it starts working soon. It feels like something is just eating away my insides right above my belly button. Sometimes I'm able to throw up and that helps get rid of the pain, but since I can't eat much, that doesn't happen often enough. So, if this doesn't get better soon, I'll have to go to a gastroenterologist. Alex has been great, although I do feel bad for him since there's not much he can do, and he has to put up with all my moaning and groaning....
Anyway, that's what's been going on this week. Every morning when I feel good, I hope it's the day for it to end; maybe that will be today.


Blacks said...

Heather I had no idea! That is no fun. I'm so sorry you're sick. I hope you get well soon!!

Danielle said...

Oh my gosh! An ulcer? Sheesh! I'm so so sorry to hear that. Well, relax and hang in there!

Ang said...

You poor thing!!! Feel better soon!

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry! My sister has an ulcer too. :(