A week ago, Lizzie had her first birthday! It was quite an exciting day, at least for Alex and me. We really cannot believe it's been a year since this little girl came into our lives.

This is the first birthday card she received. I cannot stop laughing at this photo. After taking so many pictures, Lizzie sees the camera and instantly starts squinting in preparation for the flash. Funny girl.

Alex has been on a pathology rotation this month over in SF. On Lizzie's bday, we dropped him off in the morning and just hung out until he was done. Then, we went to Serramonte Mall to let her play and gave her her first Happy Meal.

She used to love chicken nuggets, but now she's skeptical of most foods. So she didn't touch the nuggets or apples. All she ate/drank was milk, one of Alex's fries and a few bites of my tortilla. Currently, all she likes to eat is any bread product, peanut butter, mashed bananas and dairy.

The day before (Sunday) we had a little party at our place. The cake above I got at Sam's. It was supposed to be one with palm trees and flip flops, but they messed up. Oh well, it was cute. But, right after I took this photo, I ruined it :( Lizzie reached for it, so I held her back, grabbed the cake with one hand, and it slid off and tumbled over. I was bummed. At least it was still tasty.

I saw this garland at a local bookshop and had to get it. Although, it came with only one Z! Thankfully, some talented friends were able to solve that dilemma.

We didn't do anything fancy (since my summery beach theme got foiled); just mini corn dogs, cookies and such, Lizze pops, pita chips, etc. It was fun to have a few of Lizzie's friends over. She had a couple overwhelming outbursts, but overall she had a blast.

She was so proud of herself here! Still not walking by herself, she just gets around pushing her toy and cruising, but can pull herself up from a squat just fine.

Babies in birthday hats are the cutest.

Monday night we gave her the smash cake Alex made. I'm glad we did it with just us 3 because she sat there and had no interest. Alex finally put her hand in the cake, she tried it, made a yuck face and tried to get that sticky stuff off her fingers. Oh well, we tried.
Stats: 20 lbs 12 oz. 29 inches
So what's life like with a 1 year old? Lively! Lizzie is super active- a speedy crawler who loves stair climbing. She'll sit by the door and beg like a dog to go out and down the hall in our apts, then up the stairs. Speaking of dogs, that's the only word ("da") she says so far that associates correctly. She loves going to the park, especially the swings!
She still takes 2 good naps each day. Goes to bed around 8:30 after bath, story, milk and teeth brushing. Wakes up around 7am. Only has 4 teeth so far. Loves her Leaptop computer, stacking buckets and animal puzzle. Likes to cuddle and get kisses :) Her giggles are adorable and she sucks her thumb like a champ.... Lately she's been inspecting my mouth and checking out my teeth, we'll see where that leads.
Like I mentioned, she's gotten quite picky with food (takes after me I suppose). Used to love meatballs and cheese. Now she eats a couple bites and loses interest. Just wants cookies, crackers, etc and loves her sippy with milk.

She makes us laugh constantly, is pretty darn cute and we couldn't be more grateful for our Lizzie-pop.